IP Transit Service

Virtual Technologies and Solutions is one of approximately 59,400 Autonomous Systems (AS) that currently makes up the interconnected “network of networks” commonly called the Internet. As the leading Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Burkina Faso.

Technologies and Solutions

Virtual Technologies and Solutions (VTS) is one of approximately 59,400 Autonomous Systems (AS) that currently makes up the interconnected “network of networks” commonly known as the Internet. As the leading Internet Service Provider (ISP) in Burkina Faso, we offer broadband Internet access to a range of customers as well as other ISPs in the region.

VTS offers ISPs the ability to send traffic between their customers and those of VTS customers using the standard inter-AS relationship called peering. The figure below demonstrated how this works, as shown the dotted blue line between VTS and the Downstream AS(which can be a ISP, university, or enterprise that has its own AS) is the peering relationship. At VTS, we also offer Internet access to ISPs using the standard inter-AS relationship know as Internet Protocol (IP) Transit.

Downstream ISPs

Downstream ISPs that use our IP Transit service pay for both sending and receiving IP packets, which are metered across the interconnection links between the networks. Our IP Transit service uses the international standard Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) to advertise the routes to and from our customers to all the networks we are connected to.

At VTS, we are interested in peering with enterprises and educational institutions that have their own Autonomous System Numbers.

For more information on Virtual Technologies and Solutions’ IP Transit service for ISPs or peering arrangements for certain enterprises and universities, please call us on +226-25430994 or email admin@vts.bf

Virtual Technologies and Solutions is a member of the MANRS initiative: Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) is a global initiative, supported by the Internet Society, that provides crucial fixes to reduce the most common routing threats.


MANRS outlines four simple but concrete actions that network operators should take:

  • Filtering – Ensure the correctness of provider announcements and of announcements from customers to adjacent networks with prefix and AS-path granularity
  • Anti-spoofing – Enable source address validation for at least single-homed stub customer networks, end-users, and infrastructure
  • Coordination – Maintain globally accessible up-to-date contact information
  • Global Validation – Publishing data, so others can validate routing information on a global scale.

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